Friday, March 6, 2020
Easy Old Testament Books Essay
Easy Old Testament Books Essay Easy: Old Testament Books Essay NEW TESTAMENT NOTES Inspiration Inerrancy (part 1) * Bible is everywhere but hardly used. * The importance of the Bible * To know God * To know the Truth * Moral issues * To be transformed The structure of the bible HINTS:: Notice the 3’s and the 9’s of the OT and NT books There are 39 OT books and 27 NT books. 3 and 9 = 39 OT books 3 X 9 =27 NT books * Collection of 66 books divided into two parts, the Old and New Testament * Another word for â€Å"testament†is â€Å"covenant,†or agreement between parties * The OT was an agreement between God and Israel. * The NT is an agreement between God and the Church. God had promises to Israels and the church which was different * The 39 Old Testament books tell the story of God creating the world and a peple for himself Israel in order to reveal himself to all nations. They also point forward to the coming Messiah (or Christ), named Jesus. * The 27 New testament books tell the story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Church that he redeemed, the message it proclaims, and the certain hope of his future return. Classification of the 39 Old Testament Books * # - Type * 5 – law * 12 – History * 5 – Poetry and wisdom * 5 – major prophets (book are bigger) * 5 – minor prophets Classification of the 27 New Testament Books * # - type * 4 – Gospels * 1 – history * 13 – Paul’s letters ( didn’t write Hebrews * 8 – other letters * 1 – prophecy 4 NT Gospels * consist of: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John * each Gospel bears the name of its first century author and follower of Christ * each Gospel tells the story of the life and ministry of Jesus from different but complementary viewpoints * the first three a.k.a The synoptic gospels {â€Å"synoptic†means â€Å"seeing together†} * when the four are read they sound same. 1 NT Book of history * consists of: Acts ( or Acts of the Apostles) * was written by Luke, who also wrote the Gospel bearing his name ( was likely written as the second in a two-volume work) * tells the story of the birth and growth of the early christain church 13 Pauline NT letters * consist of: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thesssalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon * these were â€Å"occasional†letters from Paul, who was a converted persecutor of Christians, to churches or individuals * provide doctrine and counsel for living the Christian life. 8 Other NT letters * a. k . a The General Epistles (or letters) * consist of: Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude * authorship: unknown, a half brother of Jesus, Simon Peter, John the beloved disciple, and another half-brother of Jesus * provide doctrine and counsel for living the Christian life 1 NT Book of Prophecy * consist of: Revelation * authorship: John, the beloved disciple * This was a letter to seven first-century churches as well as a writing of apocalyptic (violent, end time images or OT prophecy being fulfilled) and prophetic literature concerning the return of Christ THE inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible KEY TERMS * Inspiration- the words of the Bible were spoken by God * Inerrancy- there are no errors in the Bible KEY PASSAGES * 2 Tim 3:16-17 * all scripture is God Bread * 2 peter 1:20-21 * scripture was just written by people men that where carried alone by the holy spirits. Two implications of inspiration 1. Scripture, being the product of a God, who cannot lie, is inerrant. 2. Scripture, being the product of God, has divine authority. Lecture 2 NT Historical background If you want to know about a person you should learn their story. Jesus was a first- century Jew Destruction and Exile * Israel- Assyria – 722 BC Assyrians took over north * Judah – Babylon – 586 BC Babylon destroyed Jerusalem Return an Restoration * Isaiah 45 Cyrus king of Persia Greek Period
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